
香港理工大学 尤佳教授 讲座

Seminar Presentation

Title:An insight into AI driven projects – From lab research to practical systems


Speaker:Prof. Jane You

Department of Computing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University


The rapid progress in AI (Artificial Intelligence) is changing our daily life and shaping the world with remarkable impacts. AI driven projects are concerned with the development of evolutionary AI solutions to solve complex problems with impactful outcomes. AlphaGo project was formed to test how well a neural network using deep learning can compete at the board game Go. The victory of AlphaGo program against a human professional Go player in March 2016 was a major milestone in artificial intelligence research with the implication far beyond board games -- the emerging deep-learning technology with excellent potential to revolutionize everything in our life where human decision-making could benefit from faster learning and more efficient data processing. However, the problem with Google’s health care ambition implies a harsh fact – Medical AI in a real-world setting is very different from a lab. It is highly desired to tackle this challenge by bridging the gap between AI lab implementation and real-world operation.

This seminar presents our recent work on smart systems by developing new methods of smart sensing and data awareness based on machine learning to solve some real-world problems with the demonstrated outputs. The selected AI driven projects include 1) smart environment monitoring, 2) smart COVID-19 prevention, 3) smart healthcare. The proposed approaches to handle the key issues of these projects on data enhancement, representation and fusion for classification are reported with benchmarking with the existing methods. More specifically, the recent research progress which resulted in publications in IEEE PAMI, TNNLS, TFS and AAAI’2020 is highlighted as case studies: 1) Learning Content-Weighted Deep Image Compression, 2) Reinforced Wasserstein Training for Severity-Aware Seman Segmentation in Autonomous Driving System" 3) Dependency-aware Attention Control for ImageSet-based Face Recognition, and 4) Relaxed Asymmetric Deep Hashing Learning: Point-to-Angle Matching.

About the speaker:

Prof. Jane You is currently a professor in the Department of Computing at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Prof. You obtained her BEng. in Electronic Engineering from Xi’an Jiaotong University in 1986 and Ph.D in Computer Science from La Trobe University, Australia in 1992. She was a lecturer at the University of South Australia and senior lecturer (tenured) at Griffith University from 1993 till 2002. Prof. You was awarded French Foreign Ministry International Postdoctoral Fellowship in 1993 and worked on the project on real-time object recognition and tracking at Universite Paris XI. She also obtained the Academic Certificate issued by French Education Ministry in 1994.

Prof. Jane You has worked extensively in the fields of image processing, medical imaging, computer-aided detection/diagnosis, pattern recognition. So far, she has more than 300 research papers published. She has been a principal investigator for two ITF projects (Innovation Technology Fund), four GRF projects (General Research Fund) supported by Hong Kong Government and many other joint grants since she joined PolyU in late 1998. Prof. You is a team member for three successful US patents and three awards including Hong Kong Government Industrial Awards. Her work on retinal imaging led to a US patent issued in 2015, the first runner-up for Innovation Award of Excellence (Hong Kong, 2015), a Special Prize and Gold Medal with Jury’s Commendation at the 39th International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva (April 2011) and the second place of SPIE Medical Imaging’2009 Retinopathy Online Challenge (ROC’2009)). Her research output on retinal imaging is further evidenced by the technology transfer with clinical applications. Her recent work on smart fetal monitoring was awarded the special prize and Silver Medal at the 44th International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva (April 2016). Prof. You is also an associate editor of Pattern Recognition and other journals.